On Tuesday, I spent two hours planting. I ordered 9 pots of HC and 6 pots of PCS from liveaquaria.com, the plants arrived early, in great condition, and they even sent me an extra PCS. This was my first time ordering anything live online and it was a good experience, maybe one day I'll actually get some fish or coral this way. The HC came in little plant pots so I have to take it out, divide the plug into tiny groupings and them remove the mineral wool they come wrapped in before the could be planted.
Here's my little cutting board while I was planting:
After the HC was all planted, I placed the PCS right behind them in aestheticly pleasing locations across the length of the tank:
This is all that's going to the tank for now. After about 6 weeks of grow out the tank will be filled with water and be ready for the reast of the plants and a half million tetras and rasboras:
The final step in the dry start method is to wrap the tank in saran wrap and mist down the whole thing to keep the tank wet and humid for the plants:
I'll try and be a bit more diligent with the blog from now on since the semester is almost out but I can't really promise I wont drop off the face of the planet again.